Please excuse our mess, like our building, this web site is under CONSTRUCTION too.
Last update: 09-11-2017

Please remain calm, we control the horizontal, the vertical, the historical...
Highly trained felines are standing by...

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Eastern Utah Archive/Research Access

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Looking for our

articles? They're on Facebook. Published on Sunday Nights.

Currently, it is...
Click for Helper, Utah Weather

Our info sheet...

is available here as a friendly pdf download.

We are members of...

The Society of Professional Journalists...

At EUTHA, we're making current news and past events into recorded history!

(Whether some politicians like what we have to say or not.)


EUTHA: Who we are and what we do...

The Eastern Utah Tourism & History Association
EUTHA - pronounced "ee-yoo-th-ah"

"A people without a history are like the Summer wind over the buffalo grass."
(Translation: Hot Air) -- Sioux saying.

The Eastern Utah Tourism and History Association is dedicated to preserving and promoting the outstanding natural, cultural and prehistory of Eastern Utah and Western Colorado through the conservation, preservation, education and responsible tourism.

Founded in 2008 by a group of local tourism professionals and interested citizens, the Eastern Utah Tourism and History Association is a grass roots 501c3 registered non-profit. Our core mission is to provide education to visitors and local residents focusing on 65 million years of history from dinosaurs, to ancient people, to coal mining and railroading.

The Eastern Utah Tourism and History Association is uniquely positioned to be able to provide this education through a wide variety of media including its own unique publications, dvds, brochures, lectures, presentations and educational tours.

We receive ZERO funding from city, county, state, or federal government. We are an independent entity.

 Eastern Utah Tourism & History Association Buyilding in Price Utah

 In 2014, the Eastern Utah Tourism and History Association opened a visitor information and interpretive center in Price, Utah. Our visitor education center offers a wide variety of brochures, books, dvds and other educational souvenirs and gifts as well as rotating museum exhibits. In 2016, the roof of the 592 building collapsed and we couldn't reach a reasonable agreement with our landlord. So we found a new place that had cheaper rent, more square footage, and a better roof!

Our NEW headquarters are now located at 96 North Carbon Ave. in Price, Utah (known by locals as the old 911 Pawn Store, we have been assured that someday soon our new landlord will remove the sign from the side of our building). We are right across from the Tuscan Events Center, and one block west from the USU-E Prehistoric Museum.

 Starting September 2017 we will be adding to our list of tours of the area, with a brand new 15-21 passenger van and resuming our UTV/ATV caravan tours. Our award winning Haunted History Tours of the area will expand also.

Our 2017 Haunted History Tours....

 Tours are booked in advance at .

Our Other Tours...

Join our costumed guides as they take you on a funny, irreverent and historically accurate trip back to eastern Utah's heyday when outlaws rode the trails, coal was king and the railroad was the most important thing in town.
The Eastern Utah Tourism and History Association conducts historically accurate tours on...

Ghost Towns
The San Rafael Swell
Mining and related disasters

The Eastern Utah Tourism and History Association also conducts historically accurate haunted tours on...

Coal Camps

Most tours are available for 2 hours, half day (4 hours) or full day (8 hours).


Sagebrush, Dreams and Memories...
Eastern Utah's Coal Camps
Half Day or Full Day

Come along to experience all of the joys and heartaches that mining coal brought to the immigrants new to eastern Utah.

Our half day tour will take us through 8 of Carbon Counties most famous ghost towns including Castle Gate, Spring Canyon and Kenilworth.

For even more ghost towns, join us for a full day tour that includes historic railroad stops.


History at the Cemeteries...
"To truly know the history of an area, visit the cemetery."
Half Day or Full Day

Come along and see why cemeteries are considered museums without walls. Meet Carbon County's most famous and infamous outlaws, lawmen, wrongly accused citizens, murder victims and politicians.

The half day tour leads us to the best residents of the Price City Cemetery, the Helper City Cemetery and the Castle Gate Cemetery.

The full day tour also takes us to the Slovenian Cemetery and the historic Scofield Cemetery


Carbon County Corruption...

"Every town has its skeletons and we just happen to know where they are buried."

Like most areas, Carbon County has a long history of corruption. Immigrant miners were segregated by race, entire ethnic groups were marked for death by mining companies and Carbon County was the site of the last vigilanty hanging in the United States. And of course, politicans, cops and legal types abused their power for their own gains. Join this tour to see the sights and meet the participants in some of the bloodiest and abusive history in the west.

Today, local 'authorities' just try to whitewash this history calling the real events "dangerous allegations of impropriety." We just happen to have documentation, tapes and photos.

The half day tour takes us to the Price City Cemetery, the Helper Cemetery and Spring Canyon.

The full day tour takes us across more of Carbon County.


Don't see it? Or have a specific curiosity? Contact us...

We just listed our current popular tours. We do Haunted History Investigations. We also do Nine Mile Canyon, Wildlife, Photography, Cold War Utah, FAM Tours, and a myriad of of other tours. A lot happened here, just not many know about it!

And for guides and tour buses traveling through the area, we also do step-on-bus tours.

We can also arrange full events with a tour, meals and hotel lodging.



Our next Gypsy Tent Event will be...
Water Melon Days in Green River - Sept, 15 & 16, 2017...

We will be selling our books, photos, rocks and other sundries at...

Green River, Utah's Water Melon Days Festival... there's a mouth full! We will be in Green River's Park on Green River's Main Street (which is also the Old Highway 6 & 191). We will be there September 15 and 16th, 2017 from approximately 10am to 6pm. There is no admission, so feel free to bring extra money and get in some early Christmas Shopping.

Other activities at the Water Melon Days include night time concerts, free watermelon and a lot of vendors!

Weekly History Bites!Follow us on Facebook...

We are on Facebook! Check us out! Many things appear on our Facebook page, from History Bites articles every Sunday, to opinion polls, event updates and special tours. And until we get our servers up and running at 100%, Facebook will be a quicker way to see what we are up to and follow our progress.

What are History Bites? History Bites is a weekly series written by Kitty and Bobcat tat can be on anything from a place to visit and how to get there, to an event, to the wild and crazy history, or a ghost story with the history behind it! Unlike other organizations that we coould mention, we tell you how hard it is to get there and any problems you might encounter... we don't consider being stuck in a town with a broken down car as good tourism! The Bruin Point Loop is a perfect example of this!

Click here to see the Eastern Utah Tourism & History Association on Facebook...

Are you looking for our books...

N o one knows history the way we do. We have written three books so far. The first book was Rails Around Helper. The second book was The Coal Camps of Eastern Utah. The third book was The Ghosts of Eastern Utah - Volume I.

In our third book we took the popular legends and ghost stories of eastern Utah and traced their histories, in some cases, back to the original incident. This throws some ghost stories into the realms of a kind of oral history. Through research and ghost investigations we uncover the story behind the ghost story.

Only available through us, and our store, these books can be autographed at no additional cost. Until we get our on-line store operational, we can and do mail out copies ordered over the phone at least once a week.

Returning this Winter... Image Replicas Mercantile...

Image Replicas Mercantile is returning soon. We finally legally reclaimed our domain! In addition to our collection of historical photos, we will begin to unveil rarely seen and haven't been seen in a long time historical photos. We will also have the contents of our store available on-line too! If you are looking for photos of the old mining camp that your parents lived in or working on a project or want a take home... we'll have it or can probably find it.

We will also have for sale the collection of books and other sundries that will be in our gift shop just like when we travel to fairs and do Gypsy Tent Events... so if you missed us at one event, don't worry, now you can have it mailed to your front door! You don't have to chase down our vehicle or stop us in a Wal-Mart hallway!

Eastern Utah Tourism & History Association

STORE ADDRESS: 96 North Carbon Ave.-Price, Utah 84501
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 592-Price, Utah 84501-0592

Voice: 1 (435) 630-3699

The Eastern Utah Tourism & History Association is a
fully registered non-profit organization.

Did you know...

We're more than tours... we have written two books (with 10 more in the works), restored countless historical photos, lecture at events, been on educational programs as specialized historians... and we are now working on a series of our own short historical video segments!

Other projects...

In our personal time, we also help out the Community Cat Colonies. These are not the vicious ferals that you hear political paranoia about. We are in the process of trying to get an organized group of volunteers operating, so that innocent, abandoned cats can live out their lives

We are trying to set up a non-profit, all volunteer, no-kill/no-torture program dedicated to helping homeless animals. Our purpose is to end the pet overpopulation problem through low-cost spay/neuter programs, support and implementation of humane trap/neuter/return/health programs for homeless cat colonies, innovative adoption programs and education of the public on the importance of spay/neuter/adoption.

NOTE: Much to the ire of Helper's politicians and so-called-elite, Helper's Railroad Cats has been greenlighted and funded for 2 broadcast hours. Updates can be found on Facebook under Helper's Railroad Cats (soon to have Refugees added in... isn't medieval ignorance and hate a wonderful thing).

I love having actual criminals shouting at us that God wants cats dead, so they are doing His work. Helper & Carbon County's cat kill program is a failure on many levels and in our opinion, has made the situation worse. No animal should be portrayed as a threat and/or killed as a legal distraction to prevent prosecution.

(Yeah, this is what we do when we are not writing books, doing videos, digging up history or playing historical tourguides... help abused and abandoned cats and find homes for them. Ooooooo... we're so dangerous.)

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